Profil | Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Ambarrukmo (STIPRAM) Yogyakarta

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Akademi Pariwisata Ambarrukmo disingkat AkPrAm adalah perguruan tinggi swasta di bawah naungan Yayasan Ambarrukmo yang berdiri tanggal 13 September 2001. Namun terhitung sejak tanggal 5 Agustus 2008, statusnya sudah berubah menjadi Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Ambarrukmo disingkat STIPRAM

Yayasan Ambarrukmo sendiri adalah lembaga sosial bidang kependidikan yang bekrjasama dengan beberapa baik bertaraf nasional maupun bertaraf internasional, sehingga suatu jaminan kualitas baik SDM, Materi Pengajaran, yang up to date sesuai perkembangan perhotelan dan pariwisata global.

STIPRAM memiliki 2 program studi, yaitu Hospitality (S1) dan Perhotelan (D3)
Hospitality: Suatu kegiatan pelayanan dalam menunjang industri jasa, khususnya kegiatan ilmu kepariwisataan.

Kegiatan ilmu kepariwisataan mencakup keilmuan untuk industri jasa hotel, perbankan, rumah sakit, pegawai negeri, perjalanan termasuk air line, cruise dan overland, yang intinya adalah pelayanan sebagai Host (tuan rumah), masalah science of service dan science of courtesy menjadi pilar utama dalam menyelesaikan setiap pekerjaan (Job Requirment Standard).

Dekade sekarang dan kedepan, hal diatas menjadi nilai kompetitif dan kompetensi bagi Sumber Daya Manusia yang diminta dan dibutuhkan.

Kenapa STIPRAM Unggulan?

Kurikulum berbasis kompetensi kompetitif dan progresif, jaminan nilai profesional bagi SDM handal cukup diselesaikan dalam waktu relatif singkat.

Memiliki pola pengajaran aktif, untuk membuka wawasan, penalaran sekaligus membangun jiwa kemandirian. Laboratorium lengkap, baik bahasa, komputer maupun hotel lab.lainnya dengan fasilitas lengkap kampus terpadu.

Khusus untuk tingkat Diploma 3, modul 30% teori dan 70% praktek, benar-benar diterapkan dengan actual measurement yang terprogram sejak mahasiswa duduk pada semester pertama sampai dengan terakhir, lewat kegiatan Job Oroentaion dan Casual Program agar mendapat job experience maksimal.
Graduate Evaluation diterjemahkan sebagai konsekuensi akademis untuk melihat kekurangan dan kelebihan mahasiswa, untuk dibenahi terus-menerus setiap tahapan, lewat spesialisasi penjurusan.

Secara akademik dan profesi, kemampuan mahasiswa STIPRAM disiapkan pada level mengengah ke atas dengan mantap, sebab selain menguasai technical skill juga harus menguasai managerial skill. Bukan hal aneh semasih berstatus mahasiswa sudah terfasilitasi bekerja baik di dalam maupun luar negeri.

Membekali mahasiswa untuk eksis, mandiri dan percaya diri untuk merebut posisi terhormat di masa depan. Pembelajaran praktikum dengan modul seating-system, hanya ada di STIPRAM. Semua kegiatan praktikum dan praktek gratis dengan ditunjang kerjasama dengan berbagai hotel baik dalam negeri maupun luar negeri. Biaya perkuliahan sangat murah dibanding apa yang didapatkan.

Kenapa Harus Pilih STiPRAM

  1. Kuliah tepat waktu D3 cukup 2,8 tahun dan S1 hanya 3,8 tahun
  2. Biaya termurah
  3. Kuliah sambil kerja
  4. Semester ke-2 sudah magang kerja, dapat honor semester ke-4 sudah bekerja dapat gaji baik di dalam maupun di luar negeri
  5. Akses untuk PNS terbuka lebar
  6. Di Indonesia baru 4 (empat) Perguruan Tinggi Pariwisata yang memiliki Ijin Resmi untuk S1 (Strata satu)
  7. Program D3 terakreditasi A Program S1 (Pertama di Indonesia) Terakreditasi A.
  8. Tersedia banyak macam beasiswa, termasuk Beasiswa Unggulan
  9. Tersedia Asrama Mahasiswa
  10. Terfasilitasi JOINT DEGREE (Satu kali kuliah dapat 2 Ijazah, dengan Perguruan Tinggi Luar Negeri)


Kerjasama dengan Perguruan Tinggi dalam dan luar negeri , khususnya di bidang kepariwisataan selalu ditingkatkan. Dalam negeri tergabung dalam asosiasi Hildiktipari (memperluas lembaga pendidikan tinggi pariwisata Indonesia) secara aktif di luar negeri, selalu ditingkatkan dengan Workshop dan seminar Internasional.Dengan Burapha University di Bangkok Thailand dan Nilai University di Kuala Lumpur Malaysia telah meningkat menjadi kerjasama Joint Degree (satu kali kuliah mendapatkan 2 Ijazah) setara Internasional adapula peringkatan untuk pendidikan profesi khusus Culinarry (chef-profesi), telah  bersama Asean Culinarry Academy di Kuala Lumpur Malaysia.

Kerja Praktek di luar negeri maupun casual, network kita di Singapura, Malaysia, Belanda, Uni Emirat Arab, UK (Inggris) atau USA (Amerika) sudah merupakan salah satu sasaran pengalaman kerja yang terarah, termasuk profesi di kapal pesiar dunia.

Di dalam negeri dengan bekerjasama dengan Accor Group, Choice, Hyatt, Sheraton, Haris Group dan sebagainya yang merupakan unit industri untuk mengasah experience knowladge maupun soft skill mahasiswa. Belum lagi banyak Hotel, Restoran.

Tentunya pula dengan pemerintah, telah dijalin kerjasama penyediaan SDM berkualitas untuk di manfaatkan pegawai negeri (PNS). Apalagi kebutuhan S-1 Pariwisata sebagai Standart Recruitment ke depan sangat di perlukan, untuk mengisi semua lini dinas pemerintah (PNS)


Berpikir Intelektual, Bertindak Profesional



Bulupole Island; South Sulawesi, Indonesia.

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Bulupoloe Island is located in Luwu Timur, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. It is 500km away from Makassar, the capital city of South Sulawesi.

Not many people know that Luwu Timur, South Sulawesi has magnificent natural beauty. People may be only familiar with Makasar and Tana Toraja as tourist attraction in Sulawesi rather that Luwu Timur since it’s located 500km away from Makasar. Luwu Timur is known as mining area but it doesn’t make the local government to neglect its potential tourism.

Luwu Timur is blessed by the magnificent natural beauty such as the mountain, river, lake, beach and islands. Luwu Timur is a result of expansion of Luwu Utara and it becomes tourist attraction especially for foreigner. The geographical condition of Luwu Timur is consist of mountain and protected forest which has been a blessed for the local government to develope its tourism. One of the iconic places of Luwu Timur is Bulupoloe Island.

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There is several myth among the local people regarding the history of Bulupoloe Island. Reputedly the name of Bulupoloe means “Sawerigading Broken Ship’s Mast”. Sawerigading was a prince or a son of King Luwu named Batara Lattu from the Luwu Purba kingdom (Samsuni, Once of a time the ship that carried Sariwegading prince was stranded in Teluk Bone and broken into two pieces. Due to the accident, the ship’s mast was broken and became an island which known as Bulupole Island.

There’s also another myth related to the history of Bulupoloe Island which told that the island was a fracture of mountain which was struck down by trees of Welenreng. The woods from Welenreng was eventually used to build the ships that used by Sawerigading. So that there are some people defined Bulupoloe as “Broken Mountain”. The name of Sawerigading was famous globally since he was the main character in La Galigo which was the longest tale in the world. La Galigo was translated to English version and performed in many countries.

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The main attractions of Bulupoloe island are the mountain and nautical beauty. The white sand surround the island is an additional value which will make you feel so lucky to be able to enjoy the natural beauty of beaches in Bulupoloe Island. In addition there are also sources of freshwater which add exoticism of this island.

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The natural and uncontaminated beaches add beauty and exoticism of Bulupoloe island. Furthermore for you the underwater freak, you can enjoy the coral reef and colorful fish and many species under the Sea of Bulupoloe Island. This island has become the favorite place for the divers and for fisherman. As a tourist attaraction, Bulupoloe island offers complete package for tourism.

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If you want to visit Bulupoloe Island, you have to go first to Luwu Timur, South Sulawesi. The trip to Malili (the capital of Luwu Timur) will takes around 8-10 hours from Makasar. Furthermore you can also go by plane for 1-1.5 hours from Sultan Hasanudin Airport in Makasar to Malili. Then you can take a bot from Balantang harbor in Malili for about 2 hours.

The other option is that you can take a boat from Batu Menggoro (Sorowako) in Luwu Timur for about 30min to 1 hour hour.


Karimunjawa; Jepara, Indonesia

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Karimunjawa is an archipelago of 27 islands in the Java Sea, Indonesia, approximately 80 kilometres northwest of Jepara, The islands’ name means ‘a stone’s throw from Java’ in Javanese. They have a total land area of 78 km2. The main island is known as Karimun (2,700 ha), while the second-largest island is Kemujan (1,400 ha).

In 2011, the population of the island group was about 9,000 who lived on five of the islands. The population is largely Javanese, with pockets of Bugis and Madurese inhabitants. Javanese culture is dominant in the islands which are the only islands of Java where Javanese is the lingua franca.

Twenty-two of the islands have been declared 2001 as a marine reserve, the Karimunjawa National Park. Five more islands are either privately owned or are under the control of the Indonesian Navy.


Karimun Island and administration

Karimun islands are a subdistrict made up of five villages (Karimun, Kamagin, Kemujan, Digimon, and Parang) which is s part of the Jepara district (kabupaten) of Central Java province. The island of Bawean lies east of this group, as part of Gresik district, East Java province. like this.


Apart from use as a pirate base, the islands are believed to have been uninhabited until a penal settlement was established during the British occupation of Java in the early seventeenth century. Archeological finds of Chinese ceramics on the seabed near the islands which date from around the 13th century suggest that the islands were once part of a trade route to Java. The settlement was abandoned by the Dutch during the Java War of 1825–1830, but the former convicts remained as settlers. Cotton plantations set up during the convict period became a major source of income, as did goldsmithing. The islands were declared a national park in 1988.

Geology and climate

The archipelago consists predominantly of pre-Tertiary continental islands primarily of quartzites and shales covered by basaltic lava. Geologically, the islands are part of Sundaland. The islands have extensive fringing and patchy reefs coral reefs.

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The best time to visit the islands is during the dry season, generally from April to October. The islands are influenced by the northwest monsoon during which winds from the west-northwest predominate and ocean currents are in an easterly direction. During the monsoon, rainfall averages 40 mm/day. During the southeast monsoon, dry winds from the east-southeast predominate and the ocean currents are in a westerly direction bringing water masses from the Flores Sea. Upwelled water masses during the southeast monsoon from the Flores and Banda Seas provides lower sea surface temperatures than during the northeast monsoon. The shallow slopes (5° to 15°) of the island shelves in the Java Sea (which rarely exceeds a depth of 55 m), provide environments for extensive reef development.

Karimun jawa is one of four legendary diving spot in Indonesia. Karimunjawa is home to coral reefs, mangrove forests, coastal forests, and nearly 400 species of marine fauna, including 242 species of ornamental fish. Berhabitat some rare fauna here is Sea Eagle White Chest, hawksbill and green turtles. Plants that characterized National Park Karimunjawa namely Dewadaru (Crystocalyx macrophyla) found in lowland rainforest. Waves at Karimunjawa is weak, which is mostly limited by the beach is the beach of fine white sand.


Residents on the island of Karimun Jawa is very friendly and good natured. They are very excited to welcome tourists both local and foreign. In fact they uphold customary honesty and decency. And most importantly, they keep the island and also to preserve it. It’s all of those who have not seen littering the sea.



  • It’s hard to find ATM around the island. You need to prepare enough money.
  • Bring aromatherapy oils, it will help you prevent seasickness while crossing from Jepara or Semarang.
  • Almost no toilet around the island, since most of them uninhabited islands.
  • Electricity in Karimunjawa just lit 12 hours, from at 6pm to 6am, use it to charge all electronic equipment such as Cameras, HP, Handycam, etc..
  • Fish and Corals in Karimus java is very beautifull, but some of them is poisonus. Beware



Bunaken Island; North Sulawesi, Indonesia

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Bunaken is an island 8.08 km2 which located in northern Sulawesi, Indonesia. It is a part of Manado the capital city of North Sulawesi.  Marine Park around Bunaken is a part of National Marine Park which also includes the ocean around Manado Tua Island, Siladen and Mantehage.  Bunaken National Marine Park is 75.265 hectare with population of 21.000 people and consists of 5 island which are Manado Tua, Bunaken, Silade, Mantehage and Naen.  It’s officially inaugurated as national park in 1991.

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Geographically, Bunaken National Park is a part of “golden triangle” which connect the oceans between Papua, Philippine and Indonesia. This is also home for more than 3000 species. Indonesian government and NGO (both national and international) has work together to preserve the coral and mangroves. This conservation purpose is to preserve thousands of fish species from extinction.

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Bunaken National Park represents Indonesian tropical ecosystem which consists of mangrove, coral reefs and shore. It has the most stunning coral reefs and underwater natural life in the world. You can find rare and exotic aquatic species such as mermaid, dugong, dolphins and ornamental fish such as hippocampus, giant kima, and turtles. In the mainland you can find black monkey (Macaca Nigra).


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For divers, Bunaken is a perfect spot since it has around 40 diving spot which is enriched by tropical fish and coral reef. You can dive and see the breathtaking view of 150 fish species, coral reef and underwater great walls. The great walls stood vertically and curve to the tops. On the food chain this great wall is a source of food for fish around Bunaken. There are 13 species of coral reefs which dominated by edge ridges and block ridges of rocks. The most eye-catching view is the steep vertical sloppy coral reef that plunges down as deep as 25-50 meter.


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Bunaken has high underwater diversity since it’s located in coral world triangle which spread within Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippine, Papua New Guinea, Timor and Solomon Island. In Bunaken you may find almost 70% of world living fish species and this number still not included the deep water fish. Indulge your eyes with  91 species of fish lived in the Bunaken, amongst which are gusimi horse fish (Hippocampus), the white oci (Seriola rivoliana), yellow-tailed lolosi (Lutjanus kasmira), goropa (Ephinephelus spilotoceps and Pseudanthias hypselosoma), ila gasi (Scolopsis bilineatus) and many others. Divers may also find Mollusca such as giant kima (Tridacna gigas), goat head fish (Cassis cornuta) and nautilus (Nautilus pompillius).


Wakatobi; Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia

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“Wakatobi is a true paradise for divers” – Jacques Costeau (an underwater explorer and journalist).

Indonesia has the underwater paradise in Wakatobi National Park. Wakatobi Island  It is a part of 50 national park in Indonesia. Located in Wakatobi, Southeast Sulawesi Indonesia, this island is consist of 4 main islands (Wangiwangi, Kalidupa, Tomia and Binongko) and Wakatobi itself is an acronym of the names of the main islands.  Wakatobi located in the south part of archipelago and it has two different season rainy and dry. The Wakatobi National Park  is 1.39 million hectare wide. This island is well known as Tukang Besi Island since it’s famous as traditional keris manufacturer.

The water depth of this island is diverse with the deepest part reaching 1 kilometer. Currently Wakatobi is a place for underwater research in the world. The magical underwater world with the best coral reef in the world and makes this island as a must be visited place for diver. Not only diving & snorkeling, in the beach you can also find motors diving, snorkeling tour and any other island adventure . In this area you can also find an island of 8 kilometers which known as Tolondona Island (Onemobaa Island) which surrounded by beautiful national park.

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The best time to visit will be on April to June and October to December due to its good weather. Outside those months the waves is high enough.

Wakatobi National Park is famous all over the world for its beauty. Especially after Wallace expedition from England in 1995 which stated that the sea along Southeast Sulawesi is rich by coral. It’s a home of 750 out of 850 coral species in the world and also it has colorful underwater topography such as slop, flat, drop-off, atoll and underwater cave. Wakatobi National Park has 25 coral reefs with various shape which are home for many sea species such as ,Mollusca, sea worms, dolphins and  whales. Its magnificent underwater life has attract worldwide attention for its quality dives that can be made by beginners to professionals. Small wonder, therefore, that many live boards make this one of their main ports of sojourn.  Specifically, Wakatobi is surrounded by 600 kilometers of shores.


There are 112 coral reefs from 13 families such as  Acropora formosa, A. Hyacinthus, Psammocora profundasafla, Pavona cactus, Leptoseris yabei, Fungia molucensis, Lobophyllia robusta, Merulina ampliata, Platygyra versifora, Euphyllia glabrescens, Tubastraea frondes, Stylophora pistillata, Sarcophyton throchelliophorum, and Sinularia spp  which live in harmony in beneath Wakatobi. There are 39 fish species live in this national Park such as Cephalopholus argus, takhasang (Naso unicornis), pogo-pogo (Balistoides viridescens), napoleon (Cheilinus undulatus), red fish (Lutjanus biguttatus), baronang (Siganus guttatus), Amphiprion melanopus, Chaetodon specullum, Chelmon rostratus, Heniochus acuminatus, Lutjanus monostigma, Caesio caerularea, and many others.


Wakatobi National Park is home of many sea birds such as goose stone brown (Sula leucogaster plotus), Kettle Melayu (Charadrius peronii) and Erasia King Prawn(Alcedo atthis). There are also some turtles species live here such as hawksbill turtles (Eretmochelys imbricata), loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta), dan Olive ridley sea turtle(Lepidochelys olivacea). Wakatobi is a home of the sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) which usually come in November. In November  where the other place around the world is freezing, the sea in Wakatobi is warm and has plenty of food which makes this place as a favorite place not only for the sperm whale but also for large eagle rays (Manta Ray). Manta Ray is one of the gigantic rays which lives in tropical sea.

Things to do

For you who loves the underwater activities there are many things that you can do in Wakatobi such as diving, snorkeling and swimming. You can explore the magnificent coral reefs, fishes and any animal which live in the underwater world.




Hoga Island is one of the favorite place for professional diver. This island offers stunning views of coral reefs teeming with an exceptionally wide variety of marine life. There is also the opportunity to dive with the sea gypsy children who still wear wooden dive goggles.


Not only offers the underwater world but this island also has unique cultural village and also historical place that must be visited. You can visit the Kampong Bajo Mola on Wangi-Wangi and see the life of the local Bajo sea nomads. There are also interesting forts on Wangi-Wangi. Five kilometers from Wanci is Fort Tindoi, standing on top of Tindoi Mountain. There is also Fort Lya which also has the Lya Kraton Mosque within its building. The fort was built in 1538 by an influential Islamic cleric called Syekh Abdul Wahid. The other forts that can’t be missed are the Mandati Tonga Fort and the Kapota Fort.

How to get there

There are some airlines from Jakarta, Bali or Surabaya to Kendari and from Kendari you can take boat to Wanci which is located in Wangi-Wangi Island. Wanci is the gate to Wakatobi National park. The regular boat to Wangi-Wangi island is available at 10am every day and you will get to Wakatobi after 10 to 12 hours. From Wangi-Wangi you can also explore to another island by using charter boat.


There are about 200 resorts and guesthouse around Wakatobi. Of the four main islands, Tomia Island was the first to be developed.




Lake Labuan Cermin; Berau, East Kalimantan, Indonesia

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Lake Labuan Cermin is one of the fascinating attractions which located in the village of Labuan Kelambu, Subdistrict-Biduk, Berau regency, East Kalimantan Indonesia. Lake Labuan Cermin is a super clear lake that has two type of water in it, i.e. freshwater and saltwater. Both of this water never mixed with each other. Salt water which placed at the bottom lake never passes to the surface where the fresh water is placed.

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The color of the water in the lake is graded on the outside area of the lake from dark blue, light blue, white and green. As the name implies, crystal clear water was shiny like a mirror. We can see the bottom of the lake clearly from the top surface of the water even the depth of the lake is more than 3 m. We can swim, dive or snorkel in this place. When we dive a bit into the depths, the boundary between salt water and fresh water will be obvious. It also causes the biota in the lake is very diverse.

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If you want to dive or snorkel then you have to bring your own equipment because there’s no diving equipment rental in this place. For those who are not good in swimming there is available life jacket in a rented boat.

How to get there

To get there, let’s assume there is a meeting point in the city of Balikpapan. There are many flights from major cities in Indonesia like Jakarta, Surabaya, Makassar, Banjarmasin and others towards Balikpapan.

From Balikpapan you can continue by using road route as follows: Balikpapan-Samarinda by bus (IDR. 35000-45000), Samarinda-Tanjung Redeb with rent car Avanza or Xenia (IDR. 250,000-300,000), Tanjung Redeb – Biduk biduk (IDR. 130.000) or you can go directly from Samarinda towards Biduk biduk.

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The only weakness of this pathway is its far distance, directly from Samarinda – Biduk biduk may take approximately 20 hours. Moreover you should pass through the city of Tanjung Redeb. If you want to go this path then it will take lot of your time and must be physically tough.

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For those who want to be faster you can use the plane directly from Balikpapan to Berau (Tanjung Redeb) then from Tanjung Redeb to Biduk biduk you can rent a car with a distance for about 6-7 hours.

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From the village of Biduk biduk to the Lake Labuan Cermin you just need to reach the village of Labuan Kelambu. When you reach in wooden bridge, you can go straight up to the ship which available here to get to the lake. One-way fare is IDR 100,000 / boat.


There are many budget class hotels in the village of Biduk biduk, with starting price from IDR 80.000 up to IDR 250.000. One of my recommendations is the Hotel Selvia, this hotel is new with full facilities with price only IDR 175.000 / night.

For the backpacker group who want to be saver then you can stay in the bungalow belong to Mrs. Hj. Zumaidah which commonly used by anglers. They usually pay IDR 100.000 for one week. For those who plan to stay a few days can directly bargain the price with the owner.

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  1. Electricity only available at night, you can utilize it to charge the battery of your electronic equipment.
  2. Bring snorkeling equipment, although there are rentals here, but it’s in poor condition.
  3. There are many beautiful beaches, choose which one you like to relax.
  4. The local people are very friendly, so mingle.
  5. Do not give away your money to a child.
  6. Dispose of garbage in its place.


Maratua Island; East Kalimantan, Indonesia

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Maratua is one of the outermost islands of Indonesia is very exotic. The island is located in East Kalimantan directly adjacent to Malaysia (Sabah) and the Philippines. It has atolls and coral which are so beautiful and natural. Maratua is one of the 4 most famous islands in Derawan archipelago which consist of total of 31 islands. Three of other islands are Derawan Island itself, Sangalaki Island, and Kakaban. Because of its beauty, this beautiful island is touted as a paradise island. Administratively, Maratua Island is part of Sub district Maratua, Berau regency, East Kalimantan Province Indonesia which newly established in 2003.

Derawan Islands is the Coral Triangle. Maratua has potential marine tourism and already popular in the world. The island has a total land area of ​​384.36 km2 and a water area of ​​3.735,18 km2 with beautiful tropical landscape, mangrove forests, sea grass beds, and others. This beautiful island also has exotic coastline and clean white sand.

Maratua coastline is one of green turtle natural habitat in Indonesia. Under its sea live diverse sea species, various types of colorful coral reefs, fishes, green sea turtles, manta rays, and other marine life. There are about 21 dive spots around Maratua islands with shape similar to the letter “U” when you see it on a map. With all the wealth and beauty it is not surprising that Maratua is recognized as Paradise Island.

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Maratua is consists of several small islands. The main island is named Maratua while the other small islands scattered in the bay. The names of these islands are Sidau Island, Ant Island, Island Andongabu, Sangalan Island, Island Bulingisan, Nisakoh Island, Island Bakungan, Nunukan Island, and Island Pabahanan.

Maratua Island

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Generally the other islands in the Derawan Islands are uninhabited. Maratua has population of 3000 people and there are 4 villages with native Bajo worked as a fisherman. The four villages are Hope Bay Village, Umbrella Village, the Village Bohesilian and Village Alolo Gulf.

Maratua is part of Derawan Islands which also a part of Coral Triangle so that it’s rich of marine biological diversity. Maratua neighboring islands are also beautiful and interesting to be explored, such as:

Kakaban Island

In this island lives the largest brackish water lake in the world, i.e. Lake Kakaban. It’s a home for various types of unique animals that have been mutated to live in brackish water.

Sangalaki Island

In this island you can see the giant stingray and green turtle nesting site. You can also explore some amazing diving locations.

Derawan Island

Around the island there are several amazing diving spots.

Snorkeling and diving are the mains activities that you can do to explore the beauty of Maratua. To support the exploration of the amazing underwater world, there are several diving operators who rent out diving and snorkeling equipment.

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There are 21 dives spot that you can try here. Each dive spot has its own exoticism. If you are lucky, you can instantly find a green turtle and a giant stingray while diving at this place. You can see a variety of coral reefs. In the sea around Maratua you can pamper your eyes with colorful and beautiful coral reefs.

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Please be noted that the stream in this location is quite strong and the sea is deep, so you need a special diving license or accompanied by diving instructors while diving at this place. There are two famous diving spots in Maratua which are:

Turtle Traffic

In Maratua you can easily find the green turtle. Hundreds of green turtles often crossed in this area.

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Big Fish Country

The stream at this location is quite strong and you can find large fish like giant stingrays, tuna, and sharks.

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When you do diving activities it’s recommended that you should be accompanied by a guide or a dive master.


Not only underwater and cultural tours, you can also enjoy the beauty of the beach and sea in Maratua. If you want to stay longer, you can choose to stay in local homes or at the inns located in Maratua. One of the famous resorts in Maratua is Maratua Paradise Resort which has some classy resort facilities like air conditioned rooms, restaurant, dive gear, and boat rentals.

Other nearest lodging is available in Derawan Island namely Derawan Dive Resort with ocean views. This resort also has a similar facility and beautiful view.

For backpacker there are also local homestays. You can stay in the local people’s house. Surely the cost is cheaper and more interesting since you can mingle and know the traditional life of the local population.

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To go to this place, you have to go first to Juwutan Airport in Tarakan. Now there are several flights available to Tarakan.

From Tarakan, you can use plane to Tanjung Redeb Airport in Berau. Then you can use speed boat or ship passengers heading to Maratua for about 3 hours.

Considering that there are many tourists who want to visit Maratua, In 2015 the government will built Maratua Airport. So you can easily go straight to Maratua by plane with a shorter time than using a speed boat.


Pasumpahan Island; West Sumatera, Indonesia

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Indonesia has a wide variety of natural resources including the islands of paradise, one of which is Pasumpahan.

West Sumatra has a wealth of natural and cultural community that is distinctive and unique. Area stretching from the west coast to the central Sumatran presents a unique experience and has made it as one of the best and favorites tourist destinations in Indonesia.

Padang city became the most important city in western Sumatra, as well as the administrative center of the province. In addition to the business and administrative center of the city, the city of Padang on the west coast of Sumatra Island presents a coastline 84 kilometers with 19 beautiful islands to be visited in the vicinities. Padang could be an attractive haven for tourists before exploring other places, due to a number of tourist sites in the vicinity, one of which is Pasumpahan.

Pasumpahan located approximately 200 meters from the island Sikuai. This island has the attraction of white sand beach with coral reefs that are still awake. In addition, the island became a shelter or gathering of fishermen. On the beach we could see a lot of activity here that fishermen were catching fish.

Pasumpahan is a beautiful island that is easily accessible from the city of Padang. The island is believed to citizens about an incarnation of Malin Kundang who was sworn in (condemned) mother into stone (Malin Kundang story). Residents believe that Malin Kundang was cursed into stone on the island because it is associated the name ‘pasumpahan’.

Pasumpahan has an area of ​​5 acres has white sand with clear sea water. Interestingly, the surface of this island as divided into three colors (clear, green and blue). The depth to the ocean is the cause of the color difference.

Tourism potential underwater marine west coast tourist area of ​​the city of Padang is in the form of coral reef ecosystem that is almost contained in each island, including Gosong Island. Aside from coral reefs, various species of reef fish or ornamental fish are also very interesting to be enjoyed by tourists.

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What to do

In addition to the tropical island with white sand, the island has the main attraction are the beautiful underwater ecosystems. Coral reefs are sufficient to be enjoyed by diving or snorkeling. There are many different types of coral fish and the main ones are about 21 species of kepe-kepe fish dominated by Chaetodon trifascialis.

You can swim around the Pasumpahan in some parts. If you desire to surround the island by swimming is possible because the current is fairly quiet. It took over 2 hours to surround the island on the east side heading north.

If you want to shop around to find the point of diving, you can visit the Gosong Island, Ular Island, Sirandah Island and Pandan Island.

How to get there

Pasumpahan located on the west coast of Padang. Its location on the west Small Setan Island or 200 meters from the coast of the island Sikuai Bungus District of Kabung Bay, Padang.

To achieve Pasumpahan from Pisang River is by boat or speedboat about 40 minutes at a cost of IDR 35.000 – 50.000 per person round-trip. It could also negotiate rent a boat with a rental price of IDR 75.000 – 90.000 to a capacity of 10 persons.

If you want to go directly to Pasumpahan of Padang, it can also rent a fishing boat from the Port of Bayur bay.


Pasumpahan fairly remote, in addition to carrying the equipment tent, bring food and water to taste. Do not forget to take medicines, mosquito repellent and sun block.

Some parts of the dock here less manicured and not very sturdy, but a gathering place for fish. If you want to down need to be careful.

If you do dive around the island is the great coral reefs to be enjoyed at a depth of 10 meters. In this area, sometimes there is the rehabilitation of coral reefs and coral transplantation to create a metal structure placed on the seabed.



Bintan Island; Riau, Indonesia

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Bintan  is the largest island in the Riau Islands widening of Malacca to the South China Sea and has about 3,000 large and small islands, stretches across Singapore and Johor Baru, Malaysia. The location is very strategic because Bintan is located on the southern peninsula of Malaysia at the mouth of the Strait of Malacca and its history is a favorite stop for merchant ships India and China to take shelter from the storm and provisions.

Bintan Island is the largest island in the Riau Archipelago newly inaugurated in autonomy as a province in 2004, with Tanjung Pinang as the capital province. Bintan Island is located about 50 miles south of Singapore. The main economic activities of the island of Bintan, in addition to mining and inter-island trade, tourism is perhaps the greatest contribution to regional income.

Top tourist destination here is Bintan Resort, a tourist destination in the form of a spectacular beach in the north of the island with an area of 23,000 hectares on the white sand overlooking the South China Sea. The island also has a fascinating history trail in Tanjung Pinang and Penyengat. There is also the location for surfing, ecotourism and various international events. The northern part of the island of Bintan, which is known as Lagoi, supplied to the domestic and foreign tourists.

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Lagoi area is laid out very well with maximum security, to ensure safety for tourists. Structuring Lagoi like Nusa Dua in Bali, with some 5 star hotels, golf courses and SPA. Currency imposed on luxury hotels is Singapore Dollars or US Dollars. Although Bintan island has no airport of its own, but access to the Bintan island can be reached by air from Hang Nadim International Airport Batam, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur or by sea from Port Sri Bentan Pura, Stulang Laut Malaysia.

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It is estimated that approximately more than 5,000 people who are directly or indirectly employed in the tourism sector in Lagoi. They supplied the township, dormitory complete with the traditional markets for everyday purposes. Conditions imposed very strict, namely: market prices in the traditional village of Lagoi not allowed higher than the market prices of Tanjung Pinang. This township like a small town. For managerial level staff, provided an apartment located in a more orderly environment of the area adjacent to their work places respectively.

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There are international-class hotels and five fantastic golf courses, some of the best in Asia. Two are located on Bintan Lagoon Resort is known for its design of 18 holes of championship golf world. The Jack Nicklaus Seaview Golf and Ian Baker-Finch Woodlands Golf offers a spectacular view of the green, undulating golf courses and scenic. Other courses include the Laguna Bintan Golf Club, located in the Ria Bintan Resort. Ria Bintan Golf Championship Course is the best golf courses in Asia in 2008.


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On the west coast of Bintan are Tanjung Pinang, used to be a quiet town, but today is a busy provincial capital. Here you will find ancient houses an interesting stage in Senggaran, here are some Buddhist temples, including the ancient temples shaded large banyan tree shade. On the other side, is 15 minutes from Tanjung Pinang is a small island of Penyengat.

While along the east coast of Bintan is white beaches, blue sea and some islands are interesting. There are also beach trikora here. On the island of Nikoi contained villas and outbound activities have been developed, ideal for a perfect natural getaway. Fast boat will take you from the beach of Bintan to the island of Nikoi.

Further south on the coast of Bintan, Loola Adventure Resort offers ecotours and adventure trips for groups and the whole family. Along this coast is Bintan Agro Beach Resort which promises complete relaxation including special spa treatments.



Cendrawasih Bay National Park; Papua

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Cendrawasih means Bird of Paradise, a beautiful bird that only exists in Papua Indonesia.

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Cendrawasih Bay is the largest national park in Indonesian waters. In this area there is a wealth of marine life is very impressive. CBNP has become representative of coral reefs, beaches, mangroves and tropical forests in Papua. This is a place that can be a good reason for you to extend the tour schedule while in Papua.

Cendrawasih Bay is a bay surrounded by several islands, among which is the island of Biak, Yapen Island and the mainland of Papua. Administratively, the area is in two districts, namely Wondama Bay, West Papua Province and Nabire, Papua province.The location is at the edge of the Pacific Ocean and is an area of continental plates making the very rich flora and fauna. This national park has 14 species of protected flora and largely dominated by casuarina trees.

Cendrawasih Bay provides a more diverse landscape with its main allure is looking directly whale sharks.

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This area includes 18 islands with a long coastline of about 500 kilometers. The entire area of the marine reserve a habitat for many species of birds and marine animals, such as giant clams, turtles, sharks, turtles, dolphins, and dugongs.

Cendrawasih Bay National Park was established in 1993 with an area of approximately 1,453,500 acres extending from the eastern peninsula Kwatisore until Rumberpon Island. CBNP region covers an area of approximately 89.8% with a sea of coral reefs approximately 5.5%, mainland islands around 3.8%, as well as inland and coastal beaches are only about 0.9%. You do not have to roam all to enjoy the beauty of Cendrawasih Bay but just need to go to a few places which are: Yoop Island, Nusrowi Island, Island Mioswaar, Numfor, and Rumberpon Island.

Is very impressive what lies under the sea where the percentage of live coral reached 65.64% or if totalized takes an area of 70,000 hectares. Here there are about 36 species of birds, 196 species of molluscs, 209 species of fish, as well as whales and dolphins. This area became home to four species of sea turtles are protected, the hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata), green turtle (Chelonia mydas), Lekang turtle (Lepidochelys olivaceae), and leatherback turtle (Dermochelys coriacea).

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Cendrawasih Bay National Park has become a haven for lovers of nautical tourism and international submarine. In addition, this region also has a cruising tourist cave in the island Mioswaar, and a source of hot water containing sulfur. In this cave also contained the framework of tribal ancestors Wandau very guarded existence and believed to be the first man who came to this island. It is also contained in Numfor where there are human skulls, antique plates and carved chests, which is very high historical and cultural value.

Swim With Sharks

Diving and exploring the beauty of the underwater and found nemo and beautiful coral reefs have become commonplace. What if this time you adventure to swim with sharks, swim with the biggest fish in this earth? Dare? Come on!

Giant seas are still descendants of this great white shark may look terrible, but in contrast with the nature of the malignant white shark, in fact hospitality Whale Sharks make Indonesia as one of the owners of the amazing marine tourism in the world.

Cendrawasih Bay is the largest marine protected area in Indonesia as well as a research center of the whale shark (Rhincodon typus) in the world. Observations of whale sharks in Kwatisore been used as the location of research. Here whale sharks often come to the surface and used to interaction with fishermen. Generally they appear around Bagan (floating houses, where to fish) which are found in the waters along Kwatisore.

This giant fish is very tame and has a length can reach 20 meters and weigh 21 tons but only eat a small anchovy (puri fish) and the plankton. These whale sharks can be invoked by throwing puri fish (anchovy) into the sea then this beautiful animal will pop up to the surface of the water. Do not be surprised, many divers while snorkeling or diving swim so close to these animals. However, whatever your admiration at this beautiful animal, do not touch it.

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Whale sharks have uniqueness of the way of eating. The mouth of a whale shark will gaping, wide mouth can enter up to 4 people and do not have sharp teeth, just fine teeth that are in it. Whale sharks feed on plankton and other small fish with sea water pump it together. Tourists can interact directly with the whale sharks to swim with them; you can also interact by giving their favorite foods, puri fish (anchovy).

Some diving operators there have provisions for the diver or swimmer who wants to interact more closely with the whale sharks feed. You can buy anchovy on local fishermen. Choose the right dive operators to suit your needs. The operator will arrange all your needs during the stay days on board. They will also lead to many diving spots, arrange fixtures, checking the flow, waiting and guide you during the dives of up to serve the needs of the food.

Things to do in Cendrawasih Bay

Flights to Nabire

Review hotels in Nabire



Liang Beach; Ambon, Indonesia

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Hunimua beach known as Liang beach because the beach is located in the village of Liang, District Salahutu, Central Maluku, province Maluku, This beach has been named by the UNDP-United Nations as the most beautiful beaches in Indonesia in 1990 and has always been the target of foreign investors.

Liang beach, occupies the first rank of the most beautiful beaches in Indonesia based on the results of research UN agency in charge of global development (UNDP) in 1990. The beauty of the beach Hunimua beat Bunaken which was ranked third and the other beaches in Indonesia. Hunimua beach or beach Liang ranks first because it has the underwater panorama is very alluring.

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In the 90s, some foreign investors are ever interested in developing resorts to boost tourism in the Liang. However, the intention of ultimately failed to be realized due to a land dispute with the local population. Liang did not “go international” but cancellation Liang development into a resort area actually has given a distinct advantage. This exotic beach is still fully owned by residents.

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Entering Liang Beach tourist area, you will be greeted by a sparkling white sand exposed to the sun, seemed to be the entrance to the beauty of the blue shades of sea water. It’s tempting for swimming or just playing with water.

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If you like photography you can vent your hobby here because every corner of the beach is very beautiful to be immortalized. On the outskirts of the beach there are shady trees, which can be utilized to rest for a moment. On this beach is not much available water sports facilities such as in Bali or Lombok. But the natural beauty Liang beach more beautiful than the beaches on the other islands.

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How to get there?

Liang is only approximately 35 KM from the city of Ambon. A few years ago, access to get there is quite difficult because although the available public transport but the numbers are very limited and only operate at certain hours. Now, with the Bus Trans Amboina, Hunimua route, tourists can more freely visit Liang beach only at a cost of 8,500 IDR (Indonesian Rupiah). But, if you are planning to visit Ambon with some friends, it is suggested you should hire a public transport to travel around the Ambon. Because in addition to cheap, you can visit more places without worrying about transportation limitations. Public transportation can usually be rented at rates of IDR 150.000 to 200.000 a day and can accommodate up to 10 people. Reasonably priced right! The cost of entry to the beach Hunimua / Liang per person will be charged IDR 3000. Residents around the beach Hunimua is friendly people, they always smile to the visitors who come.


Due to the location of the adjacent, you can plan a trip to the beach Natsepa, Suli and Liang in the same day. If you are interested to stay, accommodation around Natsepa Beach is the only option because Liang itself is not available in the inn. However, if still insist on staying in Liang, just prepare tent and asked for permission from the local guards. Or you can try to rent rooms in houses around Liang. Liang beach is always crowded during the holiday season. So for those of you who do not like crowds and want to be alone should avoid the days of vacation. The right time to visit the beach Liang is when the sea calm and not windy. Avoid visiting when the west wind or wind east because at that time the sea was choppy and make the beach cloudy. Choose quieter months like September-November or April-May if you want to visit Liang Beach.


Togean Island; Sulawesi, Indonesia

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Togean Island are part of the territory of Tojo Una-Una, Central Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. Togean Islands extends along 90 km. The archipelago consists of 6 islands and the islands are smaller, which accounted for 60 of the island. The islands are located in the Gulf of Tomini and save natural resources which was amazing. In this archipelago there are hundreds of species of coral, fish, mollusks, and some types of animals that already scarce. In 2004 the central government set Togean as a national park, a national park with two areas of ecosystems such as oceans covering 292,000 hectares and 70,000 hectares of land. Remote location and away from the bustle of life became the attraction that lures lovers of natural beauty and diversity of marine life.

Togean is a very popular tourist destination for tourists from abroad. Natural panorama Togean Islands are truly exotic. In Togean you can see the mangrove forest and the expanse of ‘lamun patai’ or ‘Nambo’ (seagrass beds) namely the broad beach grass and a source of food of marine mammals such as dugongs. Several species of endangered sea turtles are also here as the green turtle (Chelonia mygas) and hawksbill (Eretmochelys imbriocata).

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In Togean there are about 33 species of mangrove that consists of 19 true mangrove species (true mangroves) and 14 species of mangrove followup (mangrove associates). All 33 species of mangrove are grouped in 26 genera and 21 familia. In a stunning underwater you can see pilot whales, giant clams (Tridacna gigas), and trochus (Trochus niloticus), manta rays, gray reef sharks, and big eye trevally fish, and of course the colorful coral. Variety of coral reefs there are four types, namely: the coral barrier (barrier reef), coral tompok (patch reef), reef edge (fringing reef), and coral ring (atoll). There are also 35 species of butterfly fish (Chaetodontidae) who live in the vicinity as well be an indicator that the reefs are so healthy and natural. In the area of deeper water you can find more about 262 species of coral, 596 species of fish, and 555 species of molluscs.

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Here, tourists can perform a variety of tourist activities, such as fishing, diving, swimming, sailing, or sunbathing on the white sand that lie in almost the entire coast. Forests with tangkasi and wild boar in it, the fishermen with all its activities, also houses the Bajo is another beauty presented by Togean Islands.

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Tangkasi (Tarsius Spectrum) is a small-bodied animal, only the size of a rat. Tangkasi is a nocturnal animal. He slept in the daytime, and at night he hunts: insects. Which makes these animals so special is tangkasi can only be found in Sulawesi.

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In the main residential areas on the island Togean, there Katupat village which has a beautiful beach or you can go into the forest to do trekking.

Meanwhile, Wakai, a district town, there is a port for embarkation to the island Kadidiri which is a tourist attraction in the islands Togean.

Kadidiri Island

Kadidiri Island is the most popular island, the beaches are very beautiful with perfect snorkeling and diving locations. There are many cheap accommodations and on the west coast there is a row of stone cliff which becomes coral crab habitat. The island has a very beautiful beach panorama. Rows of steep rocks complete the charm of this place. Here, the location is great for snorkeling and diving. Not surprisingly, the island Kadidiri became the most attention of the tourists. About 16 km to the northeast of the island Kadidiri, stored evidence the history of World War II. Here, there is wreckage B 24 bombers owned allies. Until now, the wreckage is still intact. Lots of fish and coral reefs grow in this plane wreckage.

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Una-una Island

On the island of Una-una, there is Mount Colo, with an altitude of about 2,509 meters above sea level. Mount Colo is a volcano which is still active. Una-Una island is believed to have the best diving in the entire region Togean Islands. This island is unique, Una-Una Island formed by volcanic eruptions. This is what ultimately makes the island of Una-Una different from the cluster of other islands in Togean Islands. If almost all the beaches in Togean have white sand, the sand beach on the island of Una-Una is black.


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Batudaka Island

Batudaka Island is the largest island in the Islands Togean. The island is also the most easily accessible. On this island, there is a village called Bomba which is a residential area. So, in this place, tourists can get closer with Togean community life. In this area there is also a mangrove forest with panoramic truly alluring, with a very calm atmosphere. Here you can visit the village of Bomba for swimming, snorkeling, or visit the Bat Cave.

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Taipi Island

This is a paradise for lovers of the sport of diving. The island has a view of the underwater world that is very beautiful. Even more devastating is within five meters of the coastline, beaches on the island Taipi already overgrown reefs that create alluring scenery. So, no need to dive to enjoy the beauty of coral reefs. The distance between the islands Taipi with Kadidiri is about 4 Kilometers.

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Siatu Island

The island is inhabited by Bajo. So, in this place, tourists are offered exotica settlement Bajo. Bajo is a legendary sea tribe. This tribe is very well known as reliable sailors. Residents Bajo even build their village juts into the sea.

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Kundurang is sea fish fishing locations are located in the middle of the sea. Degradation of water colors makes this place truly charming. Corals in this place are amazing. Very beautiful and can be seen from the boat because the water is very clear.

How to get there?

Alternative routes are shorter, are: Jakarta-Luwuk-Ampana-Togean. In Luwuk there are airports and also serves flights from Surabaya and Makassar (Ujung Pandang). From Luwuk to Ampana closer approximately 4-5 hours by road.. Arriving in Ampana, you can directly come to the Office of the National Park Togean, at Poros Uemalingku Atas Rd, District Ampana kota. Here you can inquire about information Togean Islands National Park.

Flights to Togean


Lying 2° south of the equator, you’ll find the temperature here in the Togeans is a constant 30°C all year round.

Rainy season runs from December to March, but being in the tropics, the rain is only intermittent rather than torrential. Likewise dry season isn’t absolutely dry either! August is the windiest month. High Season revolves around European summer holidays in July and August.

We recommend you visit from May to December and, if you do plan on being here in July and August, just remember that accommodation is very limited so book as soon as you can.


Cubadak Island; West Sumatra, Indonesia

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Cubadak Island is one of dozens of small islands located off the coast of West Sumatra, its right at a distance of 24 miles off the coast of Padang. The island has an area of approximately 5,749 square kilometers and is located at 0-1000 meters altitude above the sea level. The island is still very natural, according to local stories; this island was once the crater with an area of approximately 40 square kilometers. Therefore in this Cubadak Island still inhabited by residents. In Minangkabau language, Cubadak have meaning jackfruit.

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In this area, visitors can enjoy clean air, blue sea, wind breezy beaches, shady palm trees which of his would cause a relaxing effect. In addition, features of this island are that there are some very beautiful diving spots. If the Senggigi Beach is a paradise for surfers, the beach Cubadak Island is one of the paradises for divers.

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The island has a variety of coral reefs and colorful marine life and stunning. For those who just want to enjoy the beauty of the beach can sunbathe along the beach in this Cubadak Island. Not only are the charming beaches, the island’s visitor who enjoys adventure in nature can explore the forests contained in this island. There are many wild animals such as monkeys, deer, pigs, birds and various other animals. Due to there are still wild animals, is highly recommended for travelers who want to explore this forest use guide services as guides.

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In addition there are various kinds of animals, in the forest there is a hill that can be climbed. It should require little energy to be able to get to the hill, but when up above; all power will certainly recover while watching the beauty of the view from the top of the hill. From the top of the hill will appear blue ocean views, white sand along the beach, a collection of islands that seem small and the beauty of the sunset at dusk arrives. Many tourists who capture the beauty of the view from the top of the hill with a camera carried. For those who want to stay on the island Cubadak, available various cottages are built with traditional and natural touch.

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Based on the data of visitors, most of the tourists who come to the island Cubadak are foreign tourists. It is associated with Cubadak Island contracted by Nanni Casalegno, a citizen of Italy for 30 years. In 2015, the contract has been running for 18 years. He did much to promote the island to foreign tourists.

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In addition, there was once a tourist from Germany who worked on a documentary about the beauty of this Cubadak Island. The film received a lot of overwhelming response and it is a magnet for the Germans to come traveled to the island Cubadak. In addition to the documentary, several print media even wrote an article about the island referred to as “paradise”. Women’s magazine Bild de Rau wrote about this island with the title “The World’s quietest island”. The meaning of the quietest island is serenity, solitude and silence in Cubadak Island.

How to get there

You can choose a flight to Minangkabau Airport, Padang. Arriving at Minangkabau Airport, you can use public transportation to get to the beach Carocok, Painan City. In Carocok beach, you can rent a speed boat to get to the island Cubadak, the rental rate of about Rp. 180,000 and takes about 20 minutes. Besides can be reached from Carocok Beach, tourists can also travel from the port Mandeh, North Coast District. From this port, tourists using tourist ships to travel approximately 15 minutes.


Koka Beach; East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia

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Natural beauty in Central and Eastern Indonesia is going to make anyone forget oneself. Beautiful nature and has not been touched to make Central and Eastern Indonesia always offer endless charm. In East Nusa Tenggara there is a beach with a charm that is so riveting. Tosca blue clear water, fine white sand and hills serving super cool natural scenery. The beach is a beach Koka. No exaggeration if we call this beach a small paradise in East Nusa Tenggara Indonesia.

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Koka beach is located in the village Wolowiro, sub-Paga, Sikka regency, Flores, East Nusa Tenggara. The beach is located on the south coast 48 kilometers from the town of Maumere. In this beach we will find what we do not find on other beaches: peace and tranquility. Another attraction of the beach Koka is clear blue waters as the beach is completely unspoiled. One more thing that is characteristic of this beach is the big waves. This is great for those who like to surf.

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If you have a plan to explore the central and eastern Indonesia, beach Koka should be included in the list of the places you will explore. This beach offers a natural charm that is completely different. The beach is surrounded by green hills are so beautiful. You can see the beauty of the beach Koka is curved like a figure three of the top of the hill.

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It is said that the name of the beach koka is taken from the name of a bird that often fly there. Until now, these birds can still be found for those who happened to be lucky to find this bird.

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It is unfortunate, beach with a unique view of this left without attention, and leave it entirely on natural processes. There are no facilities at all here. Access to the beach is still very difficult, severely damaged road that is increasingly deserted beach visitors. There should be a building like a tourist spot. The condition is not much different from 20 or 30 years ago. Only once this place is very cool and quite crowded but now has become barren and deserted. If this place is well organized and managed by the procurement of adequate facilities. Supposedly this place has become one of the mainstays, tourist destinations on the island of Flores, especially Sikka district. However this beach has never lost its charm and allure.

How to get there

To get to the beach Koka, first we choose the flight heading to the airport Maumere. From the airport Maumere we can rent a car to go to the beach Koka with rates ranging from Rp. 400,000 already plus driver per day or Rp. 50,000 per hour.]


Ora Beach; Maluku, Indonesia

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ORA BEACH! Sounds like not in Indonesia. But this is native to Indonesia, in Maluku, North Seram Island. There is a hidden paradise for those who like snorkeling or swimming among the coral reefs. Landscaping colorful coral reefs, sea water is very clear, blue shimmering in the sunlight, fish play in the crevices of coral reefs.

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As an archipelagic country, Indonesia was awarded many beautiful beaches and waiting for you to visit. As far as the eye could see, the beauty of ora beach worth aligned with other beautiful beaches like Boracay beach in the Philippines or the beach Bora-Bora in the Pacific Ocean. One thing that is rarely found in other places: the sea is calm, without waves, with almost no waves. Among the mangrove trees, out fresh water springs mixing with seawater. There is fresh water in the sea. It’s amazing!

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Ora beach located in the village of Saleman, district North Seram, Central Maluku – Indonesia. Ora beach resort offers unique lodging facilities, namely the form of lodging houses on stilts and float on the sea. Here we are also spoiled with underwater scenery. Beautiful marine life is clearly visible as sea water is so clear. We can immediately see the beauty of coral reefs and coral beaches diverse and colorful as well as fish that swim around it.

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When the weather is sunny view on the beach ora very beautiful even at night. Imagine you are sitting on the pier and enjoy the twinkling lights of stars in the sky that shone like pearls. Do not forget to bring a camera to capture the beauty of the night sky at this Ora Beach. Because of its remote location or away from the crowds, this beach is perfect for those craving tranquility from the bustle, away from urban bustle. For newlyweds, this beach can be a perfect place for honeymooners.

How to get to ora beach?

To get to the beach Ora, from Pattimura Airport Ambon, we first headed to the Port Tulehu. We can use public transportation or taxi, the travel time of about one hour with the appropriate price or negotiated rates. After arriving at the Port Tulehu, we go to the Port Amahai, Central Maluku, using speedboats. Travel time required to get to the Port Amahai is approximately 2 hours. After that proceed to the village of Sawai which can be reached by public transport and takes about 2 hours to get there. Then, from the village of Sawai towards Ora Beach, it only takes 10 minutes to cross by boat, and arrived at Ora Beach.

We can use other alternatives to get to the beach Ora, that is by renting a car from Ambon Pattimura Airport and headed straight to the village of Sawai with a trip through Seram and Central Maluku. But we should negotiate beforehand because the trip to the village of Sawai enough away and takes about 1 day and 1 night.

Things to do in ora beach

Diving and senorkeling

In addition to enjoy the beach with white sand and beautiful blue sea, one of the other activities that must be performed is a dive and see the beauty of the underwater beach ora is so amazing. We do not need to dive too deep, only about 2-3 meters diving we’ve been able to see the beauty of a wide variety of coral reefs. We also welcomed with a small fish that swim to and fro. But if you want to do a snorkel, should not be done in shallow waters so that we do not damage the coral, because there are many coral in shallow water at the beach ora.

traveling to indonesia

traveling to indonesia

traveling to indonesia

Across the River Salawai

We can also take a walk and crossed the River Salawai. While across the River Salawai we can see the process of making sago and taking coconuts. On arriving at the mouth of the river bay Solomon, we can see many kinds of birds that were there.

Exploring Manusela National Parks

Right behind the cottage Ora Beach Resort, we can see the hills of the National Park Manusela the background scenery in the resort. Exploring Manusela National Park can also be used as one of the other leisure activities that can be done in the morning. We could use motorized boats and fishing boats to see and enjoy the scenery while traveling around Manusela National Park.

traveling to indonesia

traveling to indonesia

Trekking Forest

In addition to enjoying all the activities on the beach, we also can try trekking and see the beauty of the forest at Sawai. Not just through the forest, but also can visit a wildlife rehabilitation and education center. It is in the village Masihulan. There are dosing cockatoo and parrot birds that can be seen by tourists. It also can move on to a waterfall and a cave located in the middle of the forest. There is a cottage built by local people so that visitors can rest.

traveling to indonesia


It is advised to bring their own supplies of extra food.



Parangtritis Beach; Yogyakarta

Parangtritis Beach Yogyakarta

Parangtritis Beach Yogyakarta is THE beach to go if you love not only an amazingly place to be. This place offers so much more, as it is a place favored by Indonesians tourists and it is so much more rewarding if you love to connect with people and are curious to learn about others.

My Indonesian experience at Parangtritis Beach Yogyakarta

Taking a local bus and making new friends

Parangtritis Beach is 27 kilometers away of Yogyakarta and the journey with a  local bus usually takes 50 minutes (it is traffic and then the stops). With a scooter is so much faster.

But as it is about the experience, you must get out a little of your comfort zone and take a local bus from Yogyakarta center to the Parangtritis Beach. This bus (actually a microbus quite shabby) is usually filled with other beachgoers, tourists. You’ll see that almost all of them are Indonesians, very rare foreigners as I was told, no one at the time of my visit.

Price: 15 000 ruphias, around 1 euro, but the prices go up constantly around South East Asia, yet incredible low anyway. So relax and enjoy.

Parangtritis Beach Yogyakarta 1
I arrived at Parangtritis Beach Yogyakarta in 50 minutes with a local bus

Making new friends

It didn’t last long after we left so a family of Indonesians got in contact with me, asking about a lot of things and we started to chat with hands and each one in its own language. They knew a few words, like 20 in English and that’s it.

Parangtritis Beach – endless, wild and perfectly clean

First thing first: admiring the view. While the landscape is amazing, it was very windy and to my shock, there was no one, literally no one in a swimsuit.

snacks Parangtritis Beach Yogyakarta
Parangtritis Beach Yogyakarta, first thing first: snacks; nope
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A lot of ATV to rent at Parangtritis
Any ride is good at Parangtritis Beach
Parangtritis Beach Yogyakarta 34
Barganing for a carrige ride
1 Parangtritis Beach Yogyakarta
Love this beach
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Horseback riding on the shore at Parangtritis
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The sea
Parangtritis Beach Yogyakarta 25
Beautiful beac Parangtritis
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Charming Parangtritis Beach Yogyakarta

No swimsuit at Parangtritis Beach 

The ladies were swimming with their dress on and so the kids. Bravely I put down my clothes and was very happy I brought the one piece swimsuit, that was covering a little bit more. About the beach etiquette: I was documenting prior to my little journey and found out that while Indonesians prefer to sunbath in their style, they do not expect foreigners to follow and that is perfectly safe to dress whatever you want. At least in this part of the country. In more touristic places even more.

… so, if you want to do Parangtritis Beach as locals do, you have to: 

First: take a spot

The Indonesian family that approached me in the bus called me, as they were reserving an arranged spot with an umbrella. So they took me in.

Second: meal time

On the beach there were a lot of vendors with rally tasty snacks. My new friends bought a lot and offered me too, refusing to take my money. As I had with me a lot of treats: chips, fruits and digestive biscuits I tried to share as well, they accepted to be polite but not the biscuits (they did not knew the labels so refrained).

Standing by, I saw two couples of foreigners on the beach. And hurray, the ladies had two piece swimsuits on and were really relaxed. Only I was a little bit stressed about my attire.

Parangtritis Beach Yogyakarta 9
Beach vendors
Parangtritis Beach Yogyakarta 29

Third: Pictures time

My new friends lost no minute to make tons of pics with me, but they also helped me with my pictures. Please ming that we tied to speak (me) with google translate, but it was very very hard. Only very simple things we managed to understand.

Forth: swiming time

Although I read that there are strong currents in here, I still wanted to venture a little in the waters. As I am a rally good swimmer and I have a lot of experience swimming in the sea (growing up in a little town by the sea it was what I did day by day in summer times) I felt the need to go wild.

Not a chance with my Indonesian friends: each time I was trying to go in the water exceeding my knees they were coming after me, shouting loud and very worried for me. As it was impossible to explain that I know what I am doing, it was impossible to go swimming. Instead, I made more and more pictures with them and with other Indonesians as they come and asked me to.

Parangtritis Beach Yogyakarta swim
No swimming for me today at Parangtritis Beach
Parangtritis Beach Yogyakarta swim 2
Love the beach and the water, even so windy and wild Parangtritis

Fifth: showering and clothes changing

We didn’t stayed longer after the prolonged swim: people went to the changing areas, where there are also some improvised showers with cold water. All the Indonesians had     another dry clothes with them so they changed and that was it.

Parangtritis Beach Yogyakarta 30

Six: some people do try the ATV and the horseback ridings, or the carriage rides.

Last: shopping

The way to the beach is packed with little shops where you can buy, well, anything you may need to enjoy a day in the sun or to refresh your wardrobe as a souvenir, which my new friends did.

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Shopping at Parangtritis Beach

Thinking back at my experience I have a smile, as I felt a little like a doll. My friends were telling me (in Indonesian) what I have to do, actually what I don’t have to do, every minute, like don’t go far: I wanted to take a long stroll on the shore. Impossible, I did not understood why it is not good, but was to tired to pose any resistance at one point.

I separated from my friends after reaching Yogyakarta and as we exchanged telephone numbers, I received throughout my stay in Indonesia a lot of warnings (in English, poor but still understandable) about things to do, not do or places to go or avoid.

So that was my experience at Parangtritis Beach Yogyakarta, I couldn’t move to much thanks to my friends but is a lovely memory and most of all showed me once more how warm and nice they are. And so genuinely happy. They really enjoyed every minute of their trip: they were vacationing for a few days in Yogyakarta.


Raja Ampat, West Papua, Indonesia

Up before dawn and onto a small boat; speeding across the dark water as night holds on to those last moments; landing on a pier; walking down to the start of the jungle; turning my phone into a torch; and crashing into the trees and up the hill.

The sun is starting to come out by the time I finish the walk to the top through the jungle. In those early morning minutes when blue becomes yellow in front of your eyes, I stand silent and still in a small clearing. I’m staring intently up at the branches of a tree, listening closely as well.

I hear them before I see them, a sound like a blending of a squawk and a crow. “Ark, ark, ark, ooh-ooh-oo-oo-oo-ahh.”

Raja Ampat, West Papua, Indonesia

I spot one, then another, and another. Three of them – red birds of paradise – here in the only place on the planet they are found in the wild: Raja Ampat in the West Papua region of Indonesia.

The birds are named appropriately. They really do come from a place that could be paradise. Raja Ampat, an archipelago of about 1500 islands, has the richest marine biodiversity on earth. That, in turn, has created prime conditions for the evolution of animals and humans on the land above the water.

Raja Ampat, West Papua, Indonesia

The red birds of paradise jumping between branches above me are symbolic of Raja Ampat in other ways too. They are rare, unknown to many people, require some effort to find, but are worth the journey for the undisturbed beauty.

Raja Ampat, West Papua, Indonesia

Getting to Raja Ampat

To get to Raja Ampat, you’ll fly into the airport at Sorong (probably with an inconvenient transfer at Makassar if you’re coming from Jakarta or Denpasar). From here, it is still a couple of hours by boat to the islands.

Raja Ampat, West Papua, Indonesia

The flights are not direct and they’re not cheap. The accommodation options are limited and they’re not particularly cheap either (US$50 for a basic homestay room, for example). You generally need to plan in advance so your accommodation can help with transport (many of the dive lodges will pick you up from the airport, for instance). This is not the standard backpacker experience you would find in many other parts of Southeast Asia.

Raja Ampat, West Papua, Indonesia

But this is what is helping to keep Raja Ampat beneath the radar and free from the crowds of tourists you get at diving spots in Thailand, the Philippines, or across the country at the Gili Islands. And it’s what is helping to keep the feeling of paradise.

Diving and snorkelling

Going underwater for the first time, I open my eyes and see fish everywhere. Different colours and shapes, they float by themselves or dart around in schools. Bright, dull, big, small. They all have their place here in the water and I watch them peacefully navigate it.

Raja Ampat, West Papua, Indonesia

It’s estimated there are about 1500 species of fish and 550 species of coral in the seas around the islands of Raja Ampat. That makes it the most biodiverse underwater part of the world. There’s a story of a fish scientist called Gerald Allen who went on a single dive to count how many fish he would see and got up to 284 different species!

Raja Ampat, West Papua, Indonesia

I’m not much of a diver but I love being underwater, so I spend a long time in Raja Ampat with a snorkel and goggles, seeing what there is. What you notice immediately is how clear the water is. It’s not just because visitor numbers are limited around here, it’s also because the locals generally take proactive measures to conserve the environment. Why wouldn’t you?!

I took these shots on my GoPro with some simple snorkelling. I’m sure more experienced divers would have some pretty cool tales of what else you can find!

Raja Ampat, West Papua, Indonesia

Raja Ampat, West Papua, Indonesia

Things to see

Although diving is one of the highlights of the region and one of the main reasons many people come, there is plenty here for those who, like me, aren’t too interested in strapping a tank to their back.

Raja Ampat, West Papua, Indonesia

One morning I head out on a boat to a place called Pianemo. It’s a small cluster of islands that creates one of the best views you’ll find in the area. If you’ve ever seen a postcard shot of Raja Ampat, it’s likely it was taken from here.

There are a few places where you can jump off the boat and climb up to a viewpoint. But there is just one main one that now has a wooden staircase to the top. It’s a steep walk up but the platform at the top has plenty of space to rest and enjoy the scenery.

Raja Ampat, West Papua, Indonesia

Across the hundreds of islands of Raja Ampat, there are lots of places to explore. However, you are somewhat limited because you need a boat to access most of it.

One afternoon, on the way back to my accommodation, the boat stops in the middle of the water. Well, that’s how it seems, at least. What we’ve actually done is run onto a sandbank that has been exposed by the low tide.

It’s intentional because from here you can easily walk along the bottom of the sea, towards a small uninhabited island. Surrounded by clear water water, bracketed by clear blue sky, it glows like an emerald on the horizon.

Raja Ampat, West Papua, Indonesia

You don’t need specific ‘sights’ here. Everything is an attraction and it’s easy to fill your time discovering them.

Local communities

Raja Ampat is not simply nature, though. The fish and the birds easily outnumber the humans here – the population of all the islands combined is only about 50,000 – but the local communities are such an important part of the region.

Many people live in small villages based around a single beach and jetty. Fishing is obviously an important part of their economies but tourism is becoming more important. It’s a relatively simple life but when I chat with some of the villagers, they tell me about how they enjoy their quality of life.

Raja Ampat, West Papua, Indonesia

I visit a few different communities in Raja Ampat during my stay and I’m going to write a little bit more about that soon. I want to make sure I can share all the experiences and photos with you properly.

Leaving Raja Ampat

Waiting at Sorong airport to head off after my time in Raja Ampat, I bump into two friends from London. I’ve got to tell you, it’s a bit of a shock to see people you know at a tiny airport in a rather obscure part of Indonesia.

They tell me they’ve just spent the past week on the islands here, mainly using their time for diving. It hasn’t been their first time here either. They came the year before and loved it so much they had come back. They are already talking about doing it again next year.

Raja Ampat, West Papua, Indonesia

It doesn’t surprise me. There is something special about the paradise here. You never feel like you’ve done it all, that there is nothing new here to discover. And I have a feeling that Raja Ampat is going to get more popular in the years to come. Even more reason to make the most of it now.


Kanawa Beach; Sumbawa, Indonesia

Pink Beach is quite isolated. It has no infrastructure and, on the other side of the island, has thousands of man-eating Komodo dragons. It’s not the kind of place that’s too welcoming for an overnight stay. A few boats that have slowly chugged over from the main island of Flores, bring travellers for an hour or two in the afternoon sun but then it’s time for them to leave again.

There is refuge nearby, though.

Pink Beach, Kanawa Beach, Komodo National Park, Indonesia

Pink Beach, Kanawa Beach, Komodo National Park, Indonesia

If you want to stay for more than the day, the best option is at Kanawa Beach. It’s closer to the Flores port town of Labuan Bajo and has accommodation and food. A bungalow will cost about US$30 a night for a single or US$40 for a double.

But even with the small resort built on the sand, it feels like you are cut off from everything here at Kanawa. Just look at this dining room: quite the view, right?

Pink Beach, Kanawa Beach, Komodo National Park, Indonesia

The swimming and snorkelling here is also some of the best you will ever discover in the world. And while you’re discovering it, you’ll probably even find Nemo hiding amongst the long waving corals underwater. The clear azure water reveals all.

Pink Beach, Kanawa Beach, Komodo National Park, Indonesia

These may not be the most beautiful beaches in the world. Who can truly judge such a subjective claim? But I can’t think of any finer I’ve ever laid eyes on. Far from the crowds, out of sight from the typical tourist trail, it’s a little bit of paradise in Indonesia.


Pink Beach; Komodo Island, Indonesia

When the sun catches the sand, the beach glows. But it’s not a pure yellow radiance. Shining and shimmering in the Indonesian heat, the open beach blushes a shade of pink.

I’m here, far from civilisation on Komodo Island in the south of the country. It’s at least an hour by boat from the nearest town and the isolation means there are only one or two strangers sharing the sand.

Pink Beach, Kanawa Beach, Komodo National Park, Indonesia

A beach like this doesn’t need a fancy name. It is simply called ‘Pink Beach’, which says almost all you need to know. It’s apparently one of only seven beaches in the world where the sand has this colour, a hue that’s caused by the red coral in the shallow waters. Small red grains mix with the normal grains of sand to produce the effect.

Pink Beach, Kanawa Beach, Komodo National Park, Indonesia

The coral is the highlight of the beach here. Not just because of the part it plays in the colour of the sand, but for the underwater landscape it creates for snorkelling. The water, so clear, is like a window you can sink through to a world below the surface.

Pink Beach, Kanawa Beach, Komodo National Park, Indonesia

So many types of fish, so many colours of coral. It would be possible to spend hours exploring all that’s here. It’s no great surprise to find that the waters of the Komodo National Park have some of the top diving spots in the world. It might not be the most famous place – but the real divers all know about it.

Pink Beach, Kanawa Beach, Komodo National Park, Indonesia

Labuan Bajo: Indonesia’s Land of Dragons

labuan 1


Flores is located in East Nusa Tenggara on the Southern end of Indonesia, between Lombok and Papua islands. The waters around the island form part of the Coral Triangle, containing one of the richest marine biodiversity on the planet: a true paradise for divers.

Oh and did you know Flores means flower in Portuguese? It originates from the large Catholic influence brought over by the Portuguese colony in the 1511-1846.

Flower island – another reason to love this place.


Labuan Bajo is a fishing town on the western side of Flores island used as a tourist base for trips to the Komodo National Park.

Labuan Bajo is also a good base to visit the rest of Flores island, which is abundant with village life, caves, mountains and beautiful waterfalls.

There were 3 places that stood out for us and were very welcoming towards us:


  • We did our dives with Blue Marlin and decided to stay with them. Their deluxe rooms are modern, comfortable, with a delicious breakfast and private balcony. Deluxe rooms cost 950,000 rupiahs (ÂŁ45/$70) a night.
  • Blue Marlin also offers 4 bed dorm rooms at 150,000 rupiahs (ÂŁ8/$11) per person, or 120,000 rupiahs (ÂŁ6/$9) a night if you dive with them.

BLUE PARROT   Book online

  • Beautiful and small Bed and Breakfast with a very friendly owner. Located higher up in the mountains, it is close enough to the city centre but far from all the noise.
  • The breakfast is plentiful and delicious. Prices start from 650,000 rupiahs (ÂŁ30/45$).


  • High end option with large, spacious beach front villas and incredible views overlooking the sea.
  • Great for couples looking for that romantic, postcard perfect island holiday.
  • Prices start from 2,060,000 rupiahs (ÂŁ100/$160).

Sunset view from Blue Marlin Komodo in Labuanbajo

2. Where to eat in Labuan Bajo

There were a number of decent places around Labuan Bajo to eat, depending on what you prefer:

  • Blue Corner: good for local food like gado gado and mee goreng.
  • Happy Banana Sushi: popular for sushi and rated as the #1 restaurant by Tripadvisor.
  • Made In Italy: very popular Italian restaurant and highly rated for its pizzas.
  • La Cucina: another Italian, famous for its pastas and excellent coffee.

Blue Corner Labuanbajo serving local foods

3. Where to go out in Labuan Bajo

Let’s get one thing straight(!) – just as we experienced at Senaru Village on Lombok island, don’t come here expecting pink mania frenzy. There’s none.

However, there is a very mixed, international crowd, predominantly into scuba diving and/or involved with tourism.

These were the most happening hangouts when we visited in September 2015:

  • Paradise Bar: popular on Saturday evenings when it has a live band performing.
  • Blue Marlin bar: there was always a fun atmosphere at the Blue Marlin bar every evening after sunset as fellow divers compared notes over an ice cold beer


The majority of people come to Labuan Bajo and Flores Island to see the Komodo dragons and for the diving.

There is of course more to explore on Flores island, but as keen divers, the highlight for us was the underwater world.

Scuba diving in Komodo National Park near Labuanbajo, Flores Island

1. Diving in the Komodo National Park

The Komodo National Park was established in 1980 and comprises the waters and islands surrounding Labuan Bajo just off Flores island. It was declared a World Heritage Site in 1986 and has been well preserved since.

It forms part of the Coral Triangle, which contains some of the richest marine biodiversity on earth. It was also selected as one of the New Seven Wonders of Nature in 2011.

After all our diving experiences, such as our Open Water and Advanced courses in Koh Tao, fun dives in the Maldives and also in the Philippines, our experience diving in the Komodo National Park topped it all.

So be warned: after diving here, your expectations will be so high that subsequent dives will pale into comparison!

Turtle during our diving at the Komodo National Park Flores island

2. Meet Keith and Kenny the Komodo dragons!

The Komodo National Park is most famous for being home to the largest living species of lizard.

We visited the Komodo Dragons on Rinca Island and met the very charming Keith and Kenny, the new Nomadic Boys!

Unlike Stefan and Sebastien, Keith and Kenny can grow up to 2-3 metres in length. They gained their nickname due to their dragon-like appearance and aggressive behaviour.

Visiting Komodo Dragons with luxury liveaboard Samata

You can visit the dragons either on Komodo or Rinca islands. The tours are with the park wardens who know how to safely manage the dragons and will help you stage some excellent photos with them.

You can easily arrange tours to Rinca and Komodo islands from Labuan Bajo but if you are tight with time, book it online.

Meeting the Komodo Dragons during our gay friendly luxury liveaboard in Komodo National Park

3. Treat yourself to a luxury liveaboard

The best way to truly experience the Komodo National Park area is to spend a few days living on a yacht in the surrounding area, diving, snorkelling and visiting remote islands you wouldn’t otherwise be able to reach on a day trip.

Remote island paradise with gay friendly liveaboard cruise in the Komodo National Park

We went on a luxury liveaboard experience around the Komodo National Park with The Samata, a traditional Phinisi Indonesian yacht.

The Samata is geared for scuba diving and snorkelling with excellent, new equipment. It has 2 speed boats attached to it at all times, ideal for short diving and snorkelling journeys when anchored.

Samata luxury liveaboard experience Komodo National Park

The cost of chartering a liveaboard experience in the Komodo National Park or in Raja Ampat on the Samata for 2016 is $3,800 for 2 guests per day and $250 (per day) for each additional guest, plus 10% tax.

For more information, please refer to our post about our liveaboard experience with the Samata.


Flores island mainland also has a great deal of natural wonders to explore, like Mount Kelimutu with the Coloured Lakes, Batu Cermin cave and the awesome Cunca Rami waterfall.

Cunca Rami Waterfall gay guide Flores island

In addition to all the natural highlights, there are many coffee farms, paddy fields and cocoa plantations spread throughout the island.

Cacao bean fruit Flores island tour

Another less famous activity on the island is tofu making, particularly at Merombok village where it is mass produced.

We watched a group of boys pounding the beans, soaking them, heating them up to then shape into cubes, drying them and eventually selling them in bulk.

Tofu making Merombok village in our gay guide to Flores island

There’s a little island called Gili Trawangan

Just east of Bali and a stone’s throw from Lombok is the island of Gili Trawangan. This tiny, Muslim island is engulfed by corals and surrounded by white sandy beaches, turquoise water and a mesmerizing underwater life. On the east beach, dance music is blazing from the speakers and drowned out by the tunes of the local imam singing the daily prayer. The contrasts are striking.

Every day, boats arrive from other Indonesian islands with hundreds of travelers looking for a party or a place to unplug. The harbour is crowded, and in high season everyone is standing on each other’s necks to get off the boat first. When the ferry docked at the shores of Gili Trawangan, we were all ushered out the narrow backdoor and shown towards the left side. To get off, we had to scale across a 20cm walkway on the side of the boat while clinging on to our hand luggage and then jump into the shallow water to the crowded beach.

I got my backpack and had to push my way through the crowd. I had no idea where my hotel was and all I had to on was a name. There are no cars or scooters on Gili Trawangan so getting around is done by bicycle or horse cart. The 34 degrees and 27 kg on my back quickly persuaded me to take a horse chart and soon I was at my hotel, ready for some serious relaxation.


With a population of only 800, Gili Trawangan is a relatively small island. It takes approximately one hour to cycle around it and two hours to walk. I rented a bike for the day and rolled off to the beautiful countryside with a bottle of water and a bicycle basket full of snacks. I stopped every 5-10 minute to take a photo or walk barefooted through the warm beach sand and collect corals.


All my days on Gili Trawangan were topped off with a trip to the east beach in the afternoon with a great read and a Bintang. The sunset is on the other side of the island, but it only takes 20 minutes or so to cycle there. I can’t think of a better way to end the day. Can you?



I had read on Ashley’s blog, Ashley Abroad, that Gili T’s night market was the place to eat so I went there on my last evening. The nightly food market is located right off the main road in the middle of the eastern side of Gili Trawangan and it’s composed of stalls all selling local, fresh seafood. They prepare it on the spot with rice and corn on the side for a fairly cheap price. I paid 60,000 Rp / $5 for five king prawns.

Gili Islands, Indonesia

Gili Islands, IndonesiaGili Islands, Indonesia

Gili Islands, Indonesia


* Tip: Go for the stalls with the most customers as they tend to have the most fresh food.


– Rent a bike ($5 per day)
A lovely stroll on the beach or coastal track is a great way to see the island, but if you’re planning on seeing it all, you should probably rent a bike. Remember to get a chain and to lock the bike if you’re leaving it.

– Day trips & longer trips. 
You can find trips to Komodo island, Mount Rinjani and lots more everywhere near the harbour. The price is more or less the same from all the companies.

– Snorkeling trip (100,000 Rp / $8,3).
Snorkeling trips in a glass bottom boat last from 10am – 3.30pm. They take you to three different snorkeling locations around Gili Meno and Gili Air; one of those is where you can be lucky to see sea turtles and then you stop at the other island for lunch.

– Dive 
Gili T is the perfect place to dive. If you want to know more then head over to Alex’s blog – she’s a dive guru and she wrote this excellent post that answers all relevant questions about diving in Gili.

– Freediving 
Close to the harbour, you’ll find The Freedive Gili center and it offers freedive and breath holding courses for beginners to advanced.

– Surfing 
It’s possible to surf all year around, but January – June is the high season for surfing. You can rent a board anywhere on the island.

– Party 
Gili Trawangan is notorious for partying so you’ll have no problem finding one. Besides the many clubs, you should look for the South Sea Nomads which is a party boat that operates Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

– Smoke beach hookah 
Enjoy the sunset while smoking a beach hookah at Pesona bar.

– Cooking class
Learn how to cook Indonesian food by joining one of the island’s cooking classes. There are classes for every budget and it’s a fun way to spend the day.

– Get a massage 
If you’re looking to treat yourself with a massage, Gili is the place to do just that. You can get cheap massages everywhere on the island from 100,000 Rp / $8,3 to 200,000 Rp / $16,7. You can even find a hangover recovery massage.

– Do yoga
Gili Yoga Center offers yoga practice twice a day, gourmet vegetarian food and meditation.

– Movie night
Have a movie night with a cocktail in hand at Villa Ombat’s beach cinema.


* NB: If you buy a return ticket, you need to confirm it one day before you leave Gili. If you forget to do this, they can and will deny you access on the boat.

A note on safety: Safety standards are lower in Indonesia than other Southeast Asian countries and so I strongly advise you to take caution when choosing a boat company for longer trips. Although most trips to Gili Trawangan go smoothly, too often there are reports of boats sinking – including tourist boats. Just read Kate’s story about how she got shipwrecked on her way to Komodo.

From Bali 
A fast-boat ticket will cost you around 400,000 Rp / $34, but you can save a few bucks by getting a return ticket. The trip takes around two hours.

From Lombok 
A public ferry will take you from Sengigi to Gili Trawangan in two hours for 100,000 Rp/ $8,3. You can also opt for a speedboat which only takes 30 minutes, but costs 500,000 Rp / $41,7.

From Gili Air 
Look for the island hopping service which will cost you 23,000 Rp / $2 for a direct route.

From Gili Meno 
Book via the island hopping service, but on this route you need to change boat in Gili Air. The price is also 23,000 Rp / $2.